Friday, December 30, 2011

2012 Resolutions

Looking back at 2011, I'm both pleased and frustrated with my accomplishments. I had NO idea revisions would take so long. I finished my first book (#1) back in May, and it's still nowhere near ready for submission. However, most of this is due to plot changes and rewrites to make it a true contemporary romance. It's been a huge learning process, and with any luck the next one will be much easier.

#1 not being finished is my frustration, but other than that I'm proud of my 2011 accomplishments. I've got a query and synopsis ready for feedback, and I've got my next book (#2) plotted and ready to start writing. Joining RWA was a huge benefit for me this year. I've gone to meetings and workshops with my local chapter that I've learned so much from, and formed a critique group with 3 local women, which has been fantastic.

So, 2012 goals. I'm going to be pretty strict with myself this year, because I have a lot to accomplish:
  1. Write book #2 - I have it plotted, and plan to start writing on January 1st (or maybe a few days after if I'm still finishing up the new ending of #1). I'm setting a loose goal of 1,000 words a day for myself, to finish the first draft by the end of March (mid-April may be more realistic). I'm excited to try writing from an outline, and a true contemporary romance. I'm hopeful this book will help me find my true voice and style.
  2. Finish a 4th round of revisions on #1. This next round of revisions should be enough to start querying! I'm going to say July 1st to have it it ready for submission.
  3. Edit and polish #2. Yep, I want two finished, polished manuscripts by the year end! In fact, I'm going to say #2 decently polished by October 1st, so that I can enter it and #1 in a few year end contests.
  4. Begin querying agents! This won't happen until the 2nd half of 2012.
  5. Keep learning. I would like to take at least 2 online classes/workshops in 2012 to brush up on my skills and learn more. I'm already enrolled in a "PI" workshop in January that I'm looking forward to as the hero in #2 is a PI. Also finish reading the workshop packets I bought on Empowering Characters Emotions.
  6. Plot Book #3. I have a general idea of my heroine and the "cute meet" but that's it.
  7. Enter several contests, at least one each for #1 and #2.
  8. Become more involved in my local RWA chapter. I go to the monthly meetings, but haven't really interacted outside my critique group. There are a lot of published authors in our group, even a RITA winner, and so much to learn if I become more involved.
  9. Become RWA certified PRO.
  10. Be a better blogger! I commit to at least 25 posts here in 2012.
Is that enough? :) I'm excited to get started! Now...I'm off to write...

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