It was a busy year, in writing, and in my "real life," but I learned and grew so much as an author. I want to bring that momentum with me into 2013! So, here we go, my 2013 writing resolutions:
- Query book #2 (assuming I don't sell #1).
- Enter at least 2 writing contests.
- Take a writing class - there's always something new to learn!
- Write book #3.
- Attend a writing conference. I'd looooove to go to the RWA National Conference in Atlanta in July, but my son may start kindergarten that week, which would be tragic timing! Can't miss that for anything, so if that's the case, Nationals will have to wait.
- Plot book #4 - not sure yet what it will be, but there are several secondary characters from my first two books begging for their own storyline. Or something else new and unrelated!
- Get more involved in my local RWA chapter. Step outside my comfort zone and socialize outside my critique group.
- Build a better online platform for myself (better blogging, Tweeting, maybe even start my author website?)
- Pick a pseudonym for myself. I don't know why I can't figure this out? I just can't find one I love. Maybe the universe is trying to tell me to keep my own name? :)
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