Monday, January 21, 2013

I Won!

Over the weekend, I found out that my second novel, Unleashed, placed first in the Single Title Contemporary category of the Silicon Valley RWA's Gotcha Contest! This is absolutely amazing news, and I am still floating around in my happy fog.

My prize is a critique from an editor at Berkley Publishing (wow!) and also, my entry will be sent on to another editor who will be picking the overall Grand Prize Winner. Critique from an editor at a major publishing house is priceless, and I am so thankful for the opportunity.

This was the first contest I entered with this manuscript, and the feedback from the judges was the best I've ever had, so hopefully that means I'm on the right track. I am so excited to beging querying this one in the Spring!

Also, my amazing critique partner, Annie Rains, finished second in the Inspirational Romance category! We received identical scores, but apparently the competition was a little bit tougher in Inspirational. Here's hoping this is the beginning of a very exciting 2013 for both of us!


The Pitter Pat Boutique said...

Awesome! That's a great way to start 2013!

Becky said...

Congratulations R!!! That is an exciting start to the year! Hope this year brings great things to your writing career!

Chris & Shelly said...

awesome! congrats!!

A Little Push said...

Thanks so much you guys! I'm hoping this book will be "the one" for me! :)